Policeman came again!

Policeman Came Again!

Knock, Knock, knocked the door Twice,
Bang, Bang, Banged the door Thrice,
The poor door broke down to the ground,
My mother in her prayer was shocked and frowned.
A man in uniform asked.
If the family had Children?
No, we never had Children,
My father replied with his unusual expression.
The policeman furiously asked again,
with his right hand holding the pistol holster,
Haven’t you heard from your long-lost son?
It sent my family in silence,
My mother cried her heart out,
No, it’s been solid Twenty years!


11 thoughts on “Policeman came again!

  1. I am so sad to hear this dear Sonsnow, exactly I can’t understand why they are doing this. I can feel your parents how sad. My prayers for you all. Love, nia

      1. Your welcome, from far distance my heart with all Tibetans… I hope everything to change in positive way… Love, nia

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